Taking a Rite of Passage!

G-ma Abbud has spoken..."so beautiful"

Because now that Vincent's arrival is so close, I have became quite observant of everything that surrounds me wondering how his presence is going to "touch" existence....
I was by the pool all by myself after a very nice family with 4 kids had just left. So it went from the noise of kids playing and laughing to complete silence. It was within this silence while sitting by the edge of the pool moving my legs so that the water moved in waves that it came to me.
Everything that we do creates a movement, a wave of occurrences.
It is so very important that we -as eating healthy and exercising- we indeed nurture our spirit and mind as well.

Here comes Vincent, and we all are to give him the best of ourselves by precisely procuring that best in ourselves for ourselves to give to him.

Let us then receive the gift of his presence and transform it into a constant movement to get beter and better in everything that we do with our spirit, mind and body.

35 Weeks!

31 Weeks! It was boat kind of day...

Tons of action here...
Got to drive the Corvet LT1!!!

lunch break at the park, Jaxon has tons of fun here...

30 Weeks!

Wow! Vincent is almost 3lbs! His room is coming along so sweetly.-Will post pics soon.
Sergio and I talked about making a "Before you were Here" video for Vincent's 18th birthday. It will capture our life before his birth. -memories if his parents' youth, clean house ;) his family's thoughts, along with the preperations we all made for him. What do you think?

29 Weeks!

Vincent weighs about 2 1/2 pounds-like a butternut squash! ;0 and he's a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain for his of the charts IQ ;) Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited into his skeleton, which is now hardening.
Overall, I feel really good. But I will say, the 3rd trimester is getting a little tuff. Bathroom breaks every 20-30 minutes-not exaggerating and the darn #'s on the scale freak me out- so I swim swim swim. On a positive note, sleeping with the Boppy pillow Serg got me is a whole new way to sleep! The foot rubs are also a prego's 'aww moment'. Thanks to Sergio!

Okay only 11 weeks and 77 days to go!

27 Weeks!

Vincent is almost 2 pounds like - a head of a cauliflower and is about 14 1/2 inches long. He gets the hiccups now and then. He loves to swim with me every chance taken. Today, Enea came over to take pics of my belly, it was too fun! Stay tuned for those...
91 Days to Go! :D

24 Weeks

Vincent is growing! He's gained 4oz since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long -picture an ear of corn! He cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing fast and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing too.

eating healthy!

homemade japanese rice noodles, herbed salmon (with greek yogurt & cucumber -as sauce) and steamed brocoli with a baked stuffed portabella mushroom-"serg made the shroom"

:o whoa yumm

Boating it!

Prego with sissy n law

Mother's Day!

Proud parents with baby cakes ;)

Sissy n law and the G-mas

The past two weeks have been spent obsessively paying attention to my belly for kicks. Was that a kick or just some gas? Was THAT a kick or just my heartbeat? What about that?
I’m obsessed.
After complaining about not feeling any kicks yet (despite it still being early) I think I may be feeling kicks now and again from our little nugget. I really can’t know for sure since I’m a FTM (first time mom). Either way I keep a memory log of kicks :P

The kicking feels like bubbles, flutters, twitches or quick little flickers. They happen so fast that I can’t tell if they are really kicks or not, but since it is a completely new sensation in my body I am guessing they are kicks.
I have a real tiny human in my body!
I can’t wait to feel kicks constantly and to know that our little nugget is having a ball in his/her current home. I also can’t wait for Sergio to be able to feel them! Right now he presses his ear up to my belly thinking he will be able to hear the nugget kicking. Silly nugget!
I love this part of my pregnancy. No nausea, no swelling, no problems sleeping through the night, and now kicks!
Time to go… I need to go lay still and quiet and try to feel my baby kick me.
We've decided to find out the sex of our nugget next week!!!
We are both stoked!
Yesterday was my 4th Dr. visit. Heartbeat, weigh gain and blood pressure checked. All good!

Our family is growing! Stay tuned! I'm now in my 2nd trimester, feeling great but can't stop eating :o